Karenni Farmers Fear Seized Land Has Been Lost Permanently

By KANTARAWADDY TIMES Monday, June 15, 2020 Following the seizure of their rotating farmland by the Burma Army’s Artillery Battalion 360, farmers in Karenni State’s Demoso...

Health Service for Pregnant Women in Rural Area is Still Low

Anthony The member of Maw Chi Region Pa Pwar Kalu Social Development Team, Daw Magret Sein, said the healthcare for pregnant women in rural area...

Ethnic Party Urges to Announce the Draft List of Eligible Voters for 2020

Soe Htike Aung The Chairperson of Kayan National Party (KNP), the candidate of this year election, Khoon Bi Htoo, said the draft list of eligible...

EIA Should Inevitably Be Conducted in Every Mega-investment Project

Anthony The Head of Staff of Director's Office in Rakhine Department of Environmental Conservation, U Than Htike Aung, said the process of Environmental Impact Assessment...

Tens of Thousands of People in Karenni State Set to be Excluded From 2020 Election

By SOE HTEIK AUNG / KANTARAWADDY TIMES People in Burma who do not have government-issued national identification cards are likely going to be unable to...

Govt Building Mega-development Projects Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Saturday, June 6, 2020 Critics of the government say it's dishonouring an agreement made with the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) during a state-level ceasefire...

Corn Farmers Encountering Armyworm (Spodoptera litura) Problem

Kantarawaddy Times Corn farmers are encountering with the issue of armyworm infestations on their corn farms in Kayah State. A huge armyworm infestation occurred by last...

Land Management Under Federalism: Not Possible Under Current System

By Soe Hteik Aung/Kantarawaddy Times Practising land governance that adheres to the principles of federalism isn't possible under current land laws, says a Karenni environmental...

KNPP Accepts Tatmadaw Donation of COVID-19 Protective Equipment

By NAW DWAY EH KHU / KANTARAWADDY TIMES The Burma Army handed over protective equipment to the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) in the Karenni...

Headmen Want Govt To Fire GAD Officer

By Kantarawaddy Times Village-tract leaders from Demawso township sent a letter to the Kayah State government demanding that they fire the township's general administration development...

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