More than 200 special police officers appointed for Kayah State polling stations

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Naw Dway El Khu

In order for preparation of 2020 general election, 220 special police officers were appointed ahead for polling stations in Kayah State, said Aung Kyaw Myint, Deputy-Police Chief of the Kayah State Police Force (First-level State Minister).

“We have recruited 220 special police officers since there are 220 polling stations. Each polling station will be assigned a special police force,” said Deputy Police Chief, Aung Kyaw Myint.

Due to insufficient police force in the state for the 2020 general election, special police forces were recruited in August, with a total of 225 special police officers and five reservists.

The special police will be in charge of seven townships in Kayah State from October 1 to November 14.

The Union Election Commission (UEC) has begun recruiting special police officers on the instructions of the headquarters from the day the election was announced and is continuing to assign relevant duties.

Special police officers will be entitled to a salary of 144,000 kyats and 1,800 kyats per day, totally 54,000 kyats per month for food.The criteria for selection of the special police officer are the one aged between 18 and 60, in good health, those with a high school diploma, those who are not very tall or short, and he/she should be a resident, free with corruption and non-partisan politics.

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