Misinformation and Misspelling of Kayah (Karenni) Tribal Names and Customs Presented in Grade-7 New Curriculum

Anthony The related local ethnic tribes pointed out the misinformation and spelling of the names and customs of Kayah (Karenni) State which is presented in...

Drug Rehab Center Reopened for Drug Addicts

Kantarawaddy Times The Director of Pe' Kon Rehabilitation Center, U Zaw Win Htunt, said they have reopened the Shwe Pyi Ayi Youth Rehabilitation Camp for...

HCKNU Demands the Constituency for Kayan Minister in Kayah State

Khoon Cline Free The Chairperson of the Head Committee of Kayan National Unity (HCKNU), Khoon Shamue Aye Lar, said that according to the 2008 constitution,...

Farmers Ask for the Establishment of Lesser Penalties in the Tamattaw’s Amendment Imposing Additional Fine on Farmers

Kantarawaddy Times The farmers asked to consider for the establishment of lesser penalties in the military's additional fine on farmers amendment submitted to the High...

Karenni State Has Yet to Experience Genuine Peace, KNPLF Says

By ANTONY / KANTARAWADDY TIMES On its recent 42ndanniversary commemoration, the Karenni Nationalities People's Liberation Front (KNPLF) said that ceasefires have not brought peace to...

The Chairperson of Complaint Analysis Committee Discussed to Compensate or Return the Confiscated Lands to Its Owners

Soe Htike Aung The Chairperson of Kayah State Hluttaw Complaint Analysis Committee, U Aung Naing Oo, said to compensate or return the confiscated lands to...

Medical Supply Still in Shortage Around the State

Anthony Kayah State Deputy Secretary/ General Practitioner of Myanmar Medical Association (MMA), Dr. Pyit Phyo Kyaw, said the medical supplies and doctors are still in...

New Education System Getting Started for Grade-4 Students

Antony In 2020-2021 academic year, the government is providing training to primary school teachers in order to be able to lecture the Grade-4 students with...

Disqualified Bid Projects were Reported in Kayah State Hluttaw

Anthony The member of Kayah State Hluttaw Public Budget Monitoring Committee, U Khin Maung Tun (nickname) Naw Ei, said the company's projects processed through bids...

Two Unexploded Landmines Found Near Farm

Kantarawaddy Times The Administrator of Noe-Koe Village-tract, U Shar Reh, said the farmers are under concerns as the two unexploded land mines, one blast mine...

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