PNLA Clashes With Regime During Thingyan in Hsihseng Township


By Kantarawaddy Times

During the last day of Thingyan, the Burmese New Year, the Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA) clashed with the Burma army, resulting in the deaths of at least 10 soldiers and the capture of 3 assault rifles and a vehicle in Hsihseng Township, southern Shan State.

PNLA spokesperson Khun Rein Yan told SHAN they engaged with the Burma army several times a day during the New Year because their enemy was conducting patrols in the Pa-O Self-administered Zone. He stated they captured one vehicle in working condition and burned four others.

On April 14, the first day of the New Year, at least 13 Burma army soldiers were killed in Hsihseng Township, including a captain, and 11 were injured, including an officer who succumbed to his injuries, along with another soldier in the hospital in Aungban.

The PNLA began fighting the military regime at the end of January when its ceasefire unravelled. Currently, the conflict extends to Hsihseng, Hopong, and Pinlaung townships, all located in southern Shan State.


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