Civilians Displaced From Ywathit Face Uncertain Future


By Kantarawaddy Times

Civilians forced to flee from their town in Bawlakhe Township after the Burma army occupied it are surviving on reduced donations while struggling to earn enough to eat by working temporary jobs.

A man from Ywathit in Karenni State said there are few job opportunities where he now lives to fill in the gaps of what they don’t receive in aid. He explained some people have large families and their elderly parents living with them, emphasizing how they have a lot of mouths to feed. The man said that despite the risks, some people are considering returning to Ywathit to cultivate their farms outside the town where they face uncertain dangers.

Over 300 people from the town are staying at the Pun Chaung displaced camp while others traveled to the Thai border where they hope more aid will be available for them and their families.

The man explained that before they didn’t need to rely on handouts as they could grow sesame, peanuts, sunflowers, paddy, and soybeans. Sadly, as they weren’t available to grow anything last year, they have no income for this year.

Another man commented, “We will face even more troubles in the future if we cannot grow our paddy plants. Currently, it’s really difficult to make money here and it’s also hard to buy rice, too.”

In June of last year, a column of regime soldiers entered Ywathit. They were forced to retreat in November.


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