Ambulances are needed in the western part of Hpruso Township

Anthony Ambulances are needed for residents in the western part of Hpruso Township, where health care is difficult, said U Dee Dee (AKA) Sit Mone,...

More than 560 million kyats is being spent on concrete land for Kayah State Day Festival Venue

Kantarawaddy Times Concrete paving work has started at the request of the people to facilitate public transportation and walks at Kayah State Day Festival venue...

KySDP releases winner candidates’ phone numbers for public to contact at any time

Oo Myar The contacts of KySDP winner candidates were posted on the Kayah State Democracy Party Facebook page to facilitate communication with the people, said...

Fish ponds to be implemented in Central Kayan Region

Khun Clai Free Private fishery ponds will be set up in the Central Kayan region, Southern Shan State, Phekone Township, said Win Zaw Moe, project...

Priority will be given to agricultural production-road construction and water supply in this fiscal year 2020-21

Soe Htike Aung Priority will be given to rural agricultural roads and water supply in rural development projects in the 2020-2021 fiscal year, said Kyaw...

The Ministry of Health urges people not to leave their homes unnecessarily to prevent the spread of COVID disease

Kantarawaddy Times The Ministry of Health and Sports has urged people to stay home as long as possible by avoiding unnecessary travel and gathering, following...

Peacekeepers in risk for safety as they haven’t had the official observation rights on peace process

Anthony Peace observers say they are still concerned about their security as they have not yet been officially allowed to observe the peace process in...

Ethnic party saying they would join the NLD only if there is a clear agreement on ethnic issues

Kantarawaddy Times The state-based ethnic party, Kayah State Democratic Party (KySDP), in Kayah State has responded to an invitation from National League for Democracy (NLD),...

Farmers face difficulties due to the low prices of cardamom

Khun Clai Free Farmers from Kayah State and Kayan region are facing difficulties as cardamom prices have fallen compared to previous years. Last year, a three-pack...

KySDP candidate promises to reconsider construction of protested lead refinery

Naw Dway Eh Khu Kayah State Democratic Party (KySDP) parliamentary candidates have vowed to reconsider the construction of a lead refinery in Loikaw, which the...

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