More than 560 million kyats is being spent on concrete land for Kayah State Day Festival Venue

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Kantarawaddy Times

Concrete paving work has started at the request of the people to facilitate public transportation and walks at Kayah State Day Festival venue according to U Than Tun, Deputy Director of the Loikaw Township Development Committee.

Royal Copper Company, Royal Thiridaw Company; Kayah Golden Brother Company, which won the tender with over 560 million kyats from Kayah State Fund, will operate this project.

“In the fiscal year 2020-21, we have transparently called for tenders for capital and ordinary activities in accordance with the Presidential Decree 1/2017. The tender is for the construction of concrete at Kayah State Day Festival venue – a special event celebration area which is one of the most important festivals in Loikaw. So, with the request of the people at the Kayah State Day field, the project is to concrete the side of the Kayah Day Markets with the aim of making it a good place for visitors to come and buy, ”said U Than Tun, Deputy Executive Director.

Roayal Cobber Company will operate the concrete pavement at Kayah State Day field with 200 feet to 300 feet-wide, 9-inch-thick with the cost an estimated $ 187.2 million.

The Kayah Golden Brother Company will pave the concrete area inside the Kayah Day field market area at 3,580 feet-long and 4459 inches-thick concrete, and the estimated cost is 138.909 million kyats. Royal Thiri Daw Company will build the project at an estimated cost of 237.744 million kyats for a 6350-foot-long, 12-foot-wide building.

The strengths by doing it are which it will be convenience for the visitors to Kayah State Day Festival, and in terms of development, it is easy to clean; besides, the advantages are convenient location for shops, U Than Tun explained.

“For the people who come to the festival, it is very, very straightforward and comfortable to run the fair. That’s one thing. Another thing is that when we build a road like this for development, it is very easy to clean the road every day. This is our advantage. Another point is that when such a road is designated, the fair price often leads to invasive tents. So, when we set up such roads with its own blog, there will be not many invaders. That is our advantage, ”said U Than Tun.

The concrete paving of the venue for the Kayah State Day Festival will be carried out from October 2020 to October 2021 in the fiscal year 2020-21. Currently, the tender company is starting to pave the land.

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