The meeting of the Chairman of the Kayah State Democratic Party (KySDP) with the Commander-in-Chief of Tatmataw is not a party decision

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The Kantarawaddy Times

The party asserted their statement at a press conference, on 15 August, in the morning, that it is not the party’s decision in regard of the Chairman of KySDP attended the meeting of the Commander-in-Chief of Tatmataw, and it is just a informal meeting and not to misunderstand on it.

The General Secretary of KySDP, Khu Teh Reh, told people not to believe it because there were critics who disseminated the fake news concerned with the meeting invitation of the Commander-in-Chief of Tatmataw.

“No matter what other people says, if people – the publics or voters who want to support our party – have questions or need to ask questions, please ask directly to us. I would like to deferentially request the people not to believe with the rumors and misinformation,” he said.

On August 14, the Chairpersons, Deputy Chairpersons, and Secretaries of (34) political parties met with the Commander-in-Chief of Tatmataw, and the Chairpereson of KySDP, U Phoe Reh, also joined that meeting.In addition, it said there were no decisions making, feedback, or negotiation and agreement in this meeting.

Khu Teh Reh said the visit of party’s chairman had caused controversy among the people and could erode confidence in the 2020 election.

When the news agency (Ktimes) contacted the party Chairman, U Phoe Reh, he said he has plan to explain everything when he returned to Kayah State.

The KySDP is the party who is not affiliated with any mainland-based parties, but only with the Kayan National Party (KNP).The KySDP has agreed to contest 30 out of the 34 constituencies in Kayah State and the KNP will contest the rest four constituencies.

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