IDPs in Thantaung Gyi Township Need Humanitarian Relief

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By Kantarawaddy Times

Nearly 2,000 people have been displaced by clashes in the Yar Doh area in Thantaung Gyi Township of Karen State, which borders Karenni State. Local humanitarian volunteers said that these IDPs are in need of food rations, medicine and medical care.

U Hpoe Zaw, who is helping IDPs in the area, said that these IDPs have been hiding in the jungle and are in need of humanitarian assistance.

“More than 1,000 IDPs are hiding in the jungle in the Yar Doh area. Their food supply is almost gone. They have not received proper medical care. They are staying in basic bamboo huts in the jungle. They are facing many difficulties. They need rice, cooking oil, salt, food rations, and medicine,” U Hpoe Zaw told Kantarawaddy Times.

U Hpoe Zaw said that even though volunteers have already provided these IDP with some assistance, they are still in need of more humanitarian aid.

“They are cooking and eating together in their jungle camp. At the moment, they still have some rice remaining. They need cooking materials such as cooking pots, plates, etc. They need mosquito nets, clothes and blankets. Humanitarian volunteer teams have provided them some relief but they are in need of additional assistance” U Hpoe Zaw told Kantarawaddy Times.

Since 11 July, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), which is the armed wing of Karen National Union (KNU), has had multiple clashes with the Burma army in the Yar Doh area of Thantaung Gyi Township.

On 30 July, the KNU reported that in July the Burma army launched 33 airstrikes on KNLA positions in the area around Yar Doh village. Military tensions remain high, and further clashes between KNLA and Burma army are likely.

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