Ethnic Literature Groups Under Difficulties Due to the Delay of Budget Allocation Until the End of the Budget Year

Soe Htike Aung Ethnic Literature and Culture Groups have reported that ethnic literary groups are facing difficulties because the state government has not yet allocated...

All entrants must be in their own expense to receive surveillance quarantine

Kantarawaddy Times Loikaw Township Administrator U Yan Naing Win said that all those entering the state except those abroad must pay their own expenses during...

Kayah Candidates Urge to Support only Local Parties

Dway El Khu Kayah candidates have urged the Kayah ethnic people to surround only the local parties in the 2020 election. Khoon Myint Naing, a member...

Peace Experts Should Be Included in the New Form Government

Soe Htike Aung Ko Kyaw Htin Aung, a state affairs ombudsman, said the state peace process would only be strengthened if peace-conscious people are included...

Farmers Without Form-7 Now Can Have Agricultural Loans and Savings

Soe Htike Aung According to the Agricultural Loans and Savings Law for farmers approved on 12 June 2020, LAW HOME legal Adviser, Kyaw Wunna Aung,...

The Speaker of the Hluttaw replied the NLD’s statement on the Chief Minister’s case was done in accordance with the constitution

Kantarawaddy Times The National League for Democracy (NLD) said on September 3 that the decision to oust the Kayah state chief minister was a personal...

1,000-Million-Kyat Emergency Fund, Kayah State, Has Not Yet Been Used

Soe Htike Aung U Maw Maw, Kayah State Minister for Planning and Finance, said that since the 2019-2020 fiscal year, the 1,000-million-kyat emergency fund received...

Kayah State Speaker Denies NLD’s Accusations Chief Minister’s Impeachment Based On “Personal Grudge”

By Kantarawaddy Times The National League for Democracy (NLD) released a statement about the recent impeachment of the Kayah State Chief Minister calling it a...

A member of Public Accounts Committee advises against requesting for a budget without a valid reason

Khoon Clai Free The budget requests should not be made without good reason, U Khin Maung Tun (nickname) Naw Ei, a member of the Public...

Lives Are at Stake, Say Ethnic Health Organizations Asking for Direct Intl Support

By KHUN KALAI FREE / KANTARAWADDY TIMES Ethnic health organizations (EHOs) have requested direct financial assistance from four Western countries to continue their provision of...

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