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Kantarawaddy Times

1012 POSTS

KNPP Yet to Reply to Govt’s Formation of COVID-19 Coordination Committee

By MAW OO MYAR / KANTARAWADDY TIMES The Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) is among the organizations that have not yet responded to the government’s...

State Hluttaw Urging State Government to Reduce the Unnecessary Expenses

Kantarawaddy Times Regarding to budget of Kayah State 2020-2021 fiscal years, the Public Accounts Committee from State Hluttaw urged particularly state government to reduce the...

“NCA-S-EAO leaders often point out the stalled trust building in peace process”

By Soe Htike Aung How are Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement Signatories, NCA-S EAOs, and government moving forward with peace process during the prevention and control of...

“Local Development Projects at Controlled Areas are Operated Based on the Negotiation Agreement”

Soe Htike Aung In 2020-2021 fiscal year, there are over K3.4 billion budget for rural development projects in Kayah State, and we would like to...

Locals Against the Application for Mining Zone

Kantarawaddy Times Locals opposed to U Win Min Nyein's (on behalf)/ Da Nu Pyit Won Company's mining project applied for (247) acres, field No. (wide...

Tour Businesses Get One-Year Exemption on License Fee

Anthony The Kayah State Deputy Director of Hotel and Tourism Ministry U Zaw Lin Htunt said the fee of applying for a new license or...

Karenni State Public Dissatisfied With Govt’s Lack of Peace Progress, CSO Says

By MAW OO MYAR / KANTARAWADDY TIMES Monday, May 4, 2020 Ethnic youth in Karenni State say that the current state government continues to lack the...

“If we have the same mission and goal, we could build trust”

Soe Htike Aung If we look at Karenni (Kayah) State, we have various EAOs based on its ethnic minorities. In democracy nations, the different groups negotiate...

“Maintain Peace and Give Favor to Public”

By Maw Oo Myar The Par Pu Village is about two miles far from the city entrance of Pharsaung Town, three-hour drive (by car) from...

“Countryside Citizens Vs Myanmar Peace”

Maw Oo Myar The Wan Ngord Village, Loilin Lay Township, is half an hour drive from Loikaw City and is under developing village till now. The...

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