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Kantarawaddy Times


Activists and Communities Repeat Calls to End Dam Construction on Salween River

By NAW DWE EH KHU / KANTARAWADDY TIMES Civil society organizations have renewed calls to permanently halt dam construction on the Salween River,...

Centralization A Major Cause of Burma’s Healthcare Woes, Ethnic Health Providers Say

By KANTARAWADDY TIMES As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold in Burma, ethnic health organizations are on the front lines of providing healthcare to vulnerable, conflict-affected...

Karenni Farmers Handed Verdicts, Not Land

By KANTARAWADDY TIMES Karenni farmers released from detention this week after being sentenced for time served in their protest against military-seized land remain dissatisfied with...

Any travelers without compulsion are restricted to travel Thai border

Kantarawaddy Times The General Secretary of Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) U Shwe Myo Thant said they will restrict any travelers who pass...

Interviewed with Mr. Shwe Myo Thant, the General Secretary of KNPP

“The state government did not try to understand what peace is and did not effectively cooperate regarding to peace as well. The worst is...

No Medics at Clinics in Less Population Hillside Regions as It Has No Systematic Structure

Kantarawaddy Times Khoon Phillip, the Director of Civil Health and Development Network - CHDN, said that the sayings of no plan to assign clinic...

Next Plan to Negotiate Further for Electricity Accessibility in Daw Phu Village-Tract with Government Fund 700 Billion Kyats

Kantarawaddy Times In Second Time Amyotha Hluttaw (15th) Regular Meeting on March 6, U Baw Reh Soe Wai asked open question concerned with electricity accessibility...

Karenni Farmers in Land Rights Struggle Sentenced to Prison Time

By KANTARAWADDY TIMES Nineteen Karenni farmers were sentenced to fines and prison time by a Demoso Township court on Friday after they challenged the Burma...

KNPP Suspends Road Construction, Villagers Say They Need It

By Maw Oo Myar/ Kantarawaddy Times Construction of a road in Karenni State was halted after the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) stopped it.MP Thein...

KNPP Not Ready To Sign NCA

By Kantarawaddy Times Following a series of oppugnant episodes, exacerbating an existing climate of distrust in Karenni (Kayah) State towards the government and Army, the...

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