Next Plan to Negotiate Further for Electricity Accessibility in Daw Phu Village-Tract with Government Fund 700 Billion Kyats

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Kantarawaddy Times

In Second Time Amyotha Hluttaw (15th) Regular Meeting on March 6, U Baw Reh Soe Wai asked open question concerned with electricity accessibility in Daw Phu Village-tract on the eleventh day of that meeting.

The Ministry of Electricity and Energy, and Deputy-minister U Khin Maung Win responded to this question that they will negotiate further to list it in 2020-2021 fiscal year of Kayah State in next year’s government fund.

The local people of Daw Phu Village-tract said they always reported about electricity accessibility whenever they met with responsible persons, but this plan never happened until this day.

U Ree Reh the Administrator of Daw Phu Village-tract said, “In case of submission, we always submit about electricity whenever there are trips of Prime Minister or workshops. If we are asked to report about it to Hluttaw or government department, they always responded it is in the plan. It says it is planned in what year and with what budget, but it still never implemented until now.”

He kept saying that the electricity is necessary for them as their Daw Phu Village-tract is left behind comparing with other village-tracts within Deemawsoe Township, and students have to study using candle and lamp and so on.

There are 7 villages within Daw Phu Village-tract such as Daw Law Ku, Daw Phu, Tapho, Boe Lyar, Daw Hso Ku, Hsaw Bwar (other) Daw Pat, and Daw Pat Du, and only Daw Law Ku Village could access electricity so far.

U Khin Maung Win replied that it will cost approximately over 500 billion kyats for the rest 5 vlilages out of six villages such as Daw Phu, Tapho, Boe Lyar, Daw Hso Ku, Hsaw Bwar (other) Daw Pat, and Daw Pat Du. His calculations are that (6.2)miles from Daw Law Khu to Daw Phu with 11 KV power, (1)mile from Daw Phu to Daw Pat, (1.2)miles from Daw Pat to Daw Pat Du, (4.5)miles from Daw Law Khu- Tap off to Boe Lyar, (1)mile from Boe Lyar to Tapho, and totally it is (13.9)miles with 11 KB power. Besides, it will also require to build 5 Transformers with 11/0.4 KV and 50 KVA and 400 Volts.

Moreover, it also requires building a 11/0.4 KV 50 KVA transformer with 400-volt power for one mile, and 11 KV power for 4 miles from Daw Phar which already accessed electricity to another village Daw Hso Ku, and the total cost for them is approximately 236 billion kyats.

Thus, it says all over cost of electricity accessibility for all these 6 villages within Daw Phu is over 700 billion kyats.

The Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win said that as from 2020-21 fiscal year, it will be in consideration of the government fund in Kayah State, and depend on the allowance of funds it will be implemented.

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