The KNDF says 4 prisoners who participanted in last year’s Christmas Eve massacre were captured alive in the Dawkami battle yesterday


Kantarawaddy Times

A Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) news and information spokesman said that four prisoners of war, including a sergeant, from the 108th Infantry Battalion of the junta’s 66th Division, were captured alive in Dawkami village yesterday (December 3).

This battalion participated in the Christmas Eve 2021 massacre in Moso village of Hpruso township, in which more than 40 civilians were tied, loaded into trucks alive, and then troops set the trucks ablaze, burning them all to death.

“The four arrested are a sergeant from the battalion that was involved in the Moso massacre, two corporals, and one private. The more than 20 junta troops who died in yesterday’s battle were from the 108th Infantry Battalion, which we mentioned. We can’t say what will happen to the prisoners yet,” he said.

The KNDF said that the 66th Division is based in the Irrawaddy Region, and that more than 20 troops of the junta military were killed during the battle.

In addition, during the battle, some of the junta’s weapons were captured by KNDF forces, such as MA-1 rifles, four MA-3 rifles, two MA-4 rifles, a MG-3 type rifle, an RPG, a 60mm mortar, a laptop computer, some mobile phones, and ammunition.

It is almost one year since more than 40 civilians were burned to death on December 24, 2021, and the fight against those who committed this massacre has been to avenge the people who were killed, the KNDF news and information official said.

“During the Moso massacre in December of last year, the junta army was completely inhumane to these innocent people. This was a blatant and brutal war crime. Among those who committed it, the battalion we just faced is one of those that participated in this crime. We were able to wipe out 20 of them, and to catch four alive, and seize weapons. This achievement is what we as KNDF owe the innocent victims,” he said.

Junta forces attacked Dawkami village for the entire day yesterday, and were met by a powerful Karenni defense coalition starting at 9:00 a.m. Due to its severe losses, the junta then called in jets to conduct aerial bombing. According to the information on the ground, there are also battles in other villages near Dawkami.

The fighting started on November 28th from the direction of Nanmekhon north of Demawso town, going as far south as Thaysule and Kone Thah, where the junta was forced to retreat. Yesterday the junta attacked again with a large force.

Kantarawaddy Times has not yet been able to independently confirm how many battles have taken place in that area in recent days.

At present, the villages of Kone Thah, Thaysule, and Dawkami are in KNDF hands, but the KNDF has urged the public not to travel around Nanmekhon village, as the situation is still tense and the fighting may resume at any time.


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