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Interim Govt Responsible For Helping Workers Who Joined CDM, KNPP Says

By Kantarawaddy Times Financial support is needed for government workers in Kayah State who walked off their jobs to join the protest movement, said Khu...

KNPP Committed to Peace Despite Reluctance to Join NCA, general secretary says

By Kantarawaddy Times The Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) vowed to maintain peace in Karenni (aka Kayah) State, even though the ethnic armed organization (EAO)...

Interview with Kyaw Htin Aung, Kayah (Karenni) State Peace observer

“Actually, the peace process would become stronger with the ethnic armed KNPP if it includes people who have been trained and know well in...

Peace Experts Should Be Included in the New Form Government

Soe Htike Aung Ko Kyaw Htin Aung, a state affairs ombudsman, said the state peace process would only be strengthened if peace-conscious people are included...

KNPP Questions Karenni State Government’s Commitment to Dialogue

By NAW DWE EH KHU / KANTARAWADDY TIMES Tuesday, July 28, 2020 Officials from the Karenni (Kayah) state government say they will continue to cooperate with...

Govt Building Mega-development Projects Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Saturday, June 6, 2020 Critics of the government say it's dishonouring an agreement made with the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) during a state-level ceasefire...

How Are the Political Parties Preparing for Campaign in NCA Non-signatory Territories?

Soe Htike Aung Regarding to peace process, Kayah (Karenni) State is the state which Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) haven't signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement...

KNPP Accepts Tatmadaw Donation of COVID-19 Protective Equipment

By NAW DWAY EH KHU / KANTARAWADDY TIMES The Burma Army handed over protective equipment to the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) in the Karenni...

KNPP Yet to Reply to Govt’s Formation of COVID-19 Coordination Committee

By MAW OO MYAR / KANTARAWADDY TIMES The Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) is among the organizations that have not yet responded to the government’s...

“If we have the same mission and goal, we could build trust”

Soe Htike Aung If we look at Karenni (Kayah) State, we have various EAOs based on its ethnic minorities. In democracy nations, the different groups negotiate...

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