By Kantarawaddy Times
Saturday, June 11, 2022
A Loikaw woman was killed and four people wounded by regime shelling in a village in Karenni State.

“She had a shrapnel wound in her chest and her stomach was ripped open, causing her intestines to spill out,” a man with the Shwe Loikaw Volunteer Team said about the 20-year-old woman who died in the Noe Ku hospital.
On Thursday afternoon, fighting between Burma Army (BA) and the resistance broke out near Dor Paw Kalae in Loikaw Township. The woman and others were hurt when two shells struck the village, and as many as twenty shells landed around it, another anonymous volunteer explained.
Four people who suffered minor injuries were sent to the hospital after they fled Dor Paw Kalae, where some people were still trapped by the fighting at press time.
Last Wednesday, BA Light Infantry Battalion 427 attacked villages in eastern Demawso Township wounding a 51-year-old woman and damaging homes, according to a local man requesting anonymity. On 3 June, the same military outfit attacked a village in the township with four shells, injuring a man.
According local Karenni civil society organisations, three civilians were killed and eight people wounded by regime shelling in Burma’s smallest state and another was shot dead from BA soldiers from 23 May to 9 June.