SAC Threatens Ambulances Helping Civilians Trapped in Loikaw


By Kantarawaddy Times

Soldiers from State Administration Council (SAC) are harassing volunteers and ambulance drivers helping injured and trapped civilians in Loikaw, which is under siege by resistance fighters attempting to wrestle control of the capital town from the military regime.

“They have threatened us, saying if we find that your company vehicles are in the battlefield, we will consider your organisation as one associated with terrorists and seize them,” said one such driver, who requested anonymity. He mentioned that they have been forced to borrow other people’s vehicles to continue their rescue efforts.

Thousands have been trapped in the town by SAC forces since the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF) and other resistance groups announced their 1111 Operation almost one week ago.

“Many people need aid, and they’ve called us to help them, but officially we’re not allowed to bring them (to safety). SAC has issued threats that it will arrest volunteers if we take the civilians (in our vehicles) during the clashes,” another anonymous volunteer in Loikaw explained.

According to Karenni Human Rights Group, at least 20 civilians were killed by artillery shelling and plane bombardments in the capital where intense fighting is continuing.

On Tuesday, the resistance captured an important SAC base at Loikaw University two miles from the centre of the town. Photos provided by KNDF show the groups seizing a large amount of weapons and ammunition.


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