Resistance Captures Junta Camp in Pekon Township


By Kantarawaddy Times

An consortium of resistance forces successfully seized a State Administration Council (SAC) outpost in Pekon Township.

The groups endured 12 airstrikes and 92 artillery attacks during the seven hours of fighting it took to finally capture the small camp next to the village of Soung Nan Khe in southern Shan State.

The resistance forces included Mobye People’s Defence Force (PDF) battalions 1 and 2, Pekon PDF battalions 1 and 2, Karenni National Defence Force battalions 3, 11, and 22, Urban Revolutionary Front, and PDF battalions 1003, 1004, 1008, and 1009.

Since initiating Operation 1111 in November, the resistance in Shan and Karenni states have successfully taken control of numerous SAC military positions including over half of Loikaw, and the fighting is ongoing.


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