Remote Displaced Camp Will Move to More Accessible Location On Thai/Burma Border


Kantarawaddy Times

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Over a thousand people must relocate from their displaced camp to another also near the Thai border this summer because their current camp is too remote, creating difficulties for residents in accessing healthcare and receiving food donations.

“We had situations where we lost patients because we could not send them to hospital or clinic on time,” said a member of a committee for the displaced. At least five people who did not receive medical care died, the man explained, with two deaths occurring on the same day.

Poor road conditions during the rainy season prevent food packages from reaching the camp, and sometimes, it floods.

The camp has been providing refuge for civilians fleeing fighting in Bawlakhe, Ywathit, and Mese townships since last year.

The man stated that they need funds for gas to facilitate the relocation of all residents to the new location. He explained that their canvas roofs must be replaced and other building materials are needed for people’s huts.

According to the Karenni State Interim Executive Council, a state administration established last year by civil groups and Karenni armed groups, there are 350,000 people living in over 200 camps in Karenni State, as well as in Mobye and Pekon townships in southern Shan State.

Since the coup, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported that 2.5 million people have been displaced in Burma.


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