By Kantarawaddy Times

For the last ten days, demonstrators have gathered in Loikaw, capital of Kayah State, to encourage civil servants and others to join the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM).
It appears to be working. Everyday more government employees walk off the job to join protests against the military government.
“We receive our salary from the people so we need to condemn the coup and the military dictatorship. This is why I joined the CDM,” a female school teacher told Kantarawaddy Times.
Government employees ranging from health, natural resources, agricultural, irrigation and educational departments have joined the demonstrators.
On Friday, February 19, protesters rallied in front of the Loikaw District Office and Kayah State Municipal Office.
Khoon Thomas, from the Anti-military Dictatorship and Boycott Committee for Kayah State, told Kantarawaddy Times everyone needs to join the demonstrations. Government staff, in particular, “play a crucial role in the anti-military dictatorship movement” because if they don’t work the military regime won’t be able to function efficiency.
Khoon Thomas called on prison staff, under the Home Ministry, to take a stand against the military government. “They have to make a clear decision whether to join the CDM or join the dictator.”
Meanwhile, since the protests began at least 71 police officers and private security staff have joined.
To avoid confrontations with soldiers and police, which could lead to violence, demonstrators have been careful to avoid blocked off streets. So far authorities haven’t crackdown on the protests.