Junta troops under heavy ambush in Karenni


Maw Mee Myar/ Kantarawaddy Times

Since mid May 2022, State Administration Council(SAC) send more of its troops to Karenni State , southeast Myanmar to control the high-way between capital Loikaw and Maw Chi but their troops were being ambushed by a combined force of Karenni resistance arm groups.

More than 30 military regime soldiers were killed and seven military trucks were destroyed by Karenni combined forces so-called Karenni National Defense Force(KNDF) and Karenni Army(KA) between May 30 and Jun 3, 2022. The Karenni combined forces seized two trucks, anti-drone jammers and weapons.

40 military trucks carrying about 200 military regime troops heading to Loikaw from Baw Lakhe. After repeated ambushed by Karenni combined forces, the regime forces left 33 trucks and currently facing difficulties to reach to the capital Loikaw.

“ The military regimes troops from No. 66 division have many convictions in Karenni State wherever they go we will fight them. We will try our best. No one from No. 66 division to escape from Karenni” sadi Ko Hthite a central committee of KNDF.

On Jun 2 and 3, junta force has used a fighter jet attacking KNDF and KA for helping the 40 trucks to escape.

Between May to the first week of Jun, about 40 of military regime truck were destroyed by KNDF.

‘KNDF and KA have capture some of the regime truck. Among them four truck are able to use. About 30 to 40 of regime truck were being burn and destroyed.” Said Ko Hthite.

Before the coup, the regime forces controlled the main road between Loikaw and Mawchi but today no one know who control these roads, said Khu Danial deputy minister of Karenni Defend Ministry.

He said “When the fighting has start in the state, KNDF and KA deploy its troop to control the road between Loikaw-Mawchi. They(the military regime) want it back so sending more troops to the areas. Now they are on the road but couldn’t say they can control. The fighting happen every days and couldn’t say exactly who is controlling the road”.

On June 15, the regime forces set fire to the Daw Ngay Khu village including a Catholic church in Deemaw Hso Township, Karenni State. Eight churches had been damaged or destroyed by the regime in Karenni and southern Shan Sates according to Karenni religious leaders.

The regime forces often burning down the civilians home and churches to drive out resistance forces from KNDF and KA.

According to KNDF document, about 150 of regime forces have been killing in Karenni State in May and June fighting.

“We would like to inform family members from 66 division(Light Infantry Division 66) that to let their relatives in the division to do CDM otherwise they can not be return home. They are being ambushed and killed everyday now.” Said Ko Htite.

According to Tagaung Instituate of Political Studies and the US-based Wilson Center, there are more than 20,000 resistance fighters in Karenni State.


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