Human Rights Abuse in Kayah State Getting Worse Than Previous Government

By Kantarawaddy Times Maw Pray Myar, the second Secretary of Karenni National Women Association (KNWO), says the numbers who are abused human rights are getting...

February 12 Becomes the Public Revolution Day – Declaration of Karenni True History

Kantarawaddy Times In today 1st convention of public movement for Karenni true history, it is confirmed that February 12 is the Public Revolution Day of...

The Necessity of Healthcare in the Villages, Maw Chi Region

Anthony Local people say there is a need of healthcare in most of the villages as they don't have any government clinics, and the transportation...

A program of fostering to use female name in land registration forms

Soe Htike Aung It says according to the published book of the Women, Peace and Development Plans (2020-2022) they will foster to have the policy...

Villagers Fix Road Out Of Pocket

By Soe Hteik Aung/ Kantarawaddy Times After waiting for years for funds from the state government to fix a stone road badly in need of...

Policy in urgency for the safety of refugee women

Anthony Iris Ar-Paing, the Centre-Committee Member of Kayan Women Organization (KyWO), said it is emergency to execute the policy and agreement in peace negotiation in...

Burma Army Scouts Out KNPP Camp, Allegedly Searching For Evidence of Illegal Timber Harvest

By KANTARAWADDY TIMES Burma Army troops based in Karenni State’s Shadaw Township undertook a search for a forest camp belonging to the Karenni National Progressive...

State Counsellor saying the public themselves must try its state development

Naw Dway Eh Khu The State Counsellor Daw Aung San Su Kyi said on the day of her trip to Kayah State that the public...

A positive hope for farmer issue after meeting with State Counsellor

Kantarawaddy Times Khu Tu Reh, the chairperson of Karenni State Farmer Union, said there was a hope from the negotiation between the Karenni Youth Forces...

Karenni Teachers Oppose Govt Extension of Academic Year

By KANTARAWADDY TIMES Teachers in Karenni State said that if the government goes ahead with a plan to extend the Burmese public school year from...

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