KNDF Warns Villagers Of Forthcoming Fighting In Karenni State

By Kantarawaddy Times Anticipating the Burma Army (BA) will launch more offensives in Karenni State, a civilian resistance group fighting against the military junta has...

Classes Open For Children Affected By Conflict In Karenni State

By Kantarawaddy Times Classes for children displaced by fighting in Karenni State have started in KarenniNational Progressive Party (KNPP) controlled territory. Over 1,000 fled to...

Karenni National Resistance Day Cancelled Amid Fears Of COVID-19

By Kantarawaddy Times The Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) cancelled its 73th anniversary of Karenni National Resistance Day (aka Karenni Revolution Day) that is usually...

KSCC Asks UN Agencies For Relief For IDPs in Karenni State

By Kantarawaddy Times Tuesday, August 3, 2021 The Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC) is asking the international community to provide humanitarian assistance for approximately 100,000 civilians...

Karenni IDPs Escaping Burma Army Flee To Border Areas

By Kantarawaddy Times Thousands of villagers displaced by fighting between civilian resistance groups and the military sought refuge at Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) controlled...

Karenni State Health Network Prepares Vaccination Program

By Kantarawaddy Times An ethnic health network in Karenni State cooperating with Burma's interim government plans to inoculate tens of thousands of civilians. According to Khoon...

Burma Army Columns Leave Hpruso Township

By Kantarawaddy Times Over two hundred soldiers from two Burma Army (BA) columns left Hpruso Township, near the areas of Hoya and Beya. The troops...

Thousands Flee Advancing Tatamadaw Troops in Karenni State

By Kantarawaddy Times Wednesday, July 21, 2021 Thousands of villagers are fleeing after the Burma Army sent reinforcements to support soldiers fighting with Karenni armed groups...

Burma Army Launches Offensives in Karenni State

By Kantarawaddy Times Tuesday, July 20, 2021 Civilians have fled advancing Burma Army (BA) troops following fighting with Karenni Army (KA) and Karenni Nationalities Defense Force...

Fighting Ensues Between Military And KNPP in Loikaw Township

By Kantarawaddy Times The Karenni Army (KA), the armed wing of the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP), came under fire this Monday during its third...

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