AAPP Helps Political Prisoner’s Family In Karenni State


By Kantarawaddy Times

The family of a political prisoner has received financial assistance from the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), arranged through the Progressive Karenni People’s Force (PKPF).

According to the PKPF, 141 people have been sentenced in Karenni State and 116 people are awaiting trial.

”Even though partial support, it’s very helpful for our family,” said a mother of a political prisoner who used AAPP’s money to buy things for her son when she visited him in prison. The woman’s received two donations from the advocacy group totalling $32.

AAPP has helped five families of political prisoners in Burma’s smallest state.

According to a staff of PKPF, it’s difficult to reach the families of people who’re in hiding, and the clashes in Ngan Hka, Merner Palawt, Thay Hsule, Dor Ukhu and Chaung Maij have made it difficult to help families from these areas. 

”We don’t know how to contact (some of) them,” he told KT.

Political prisoners have been charged with incitement under Article 505 (a) and articles 114, 19 (f), 17/1, 302,  124,  50 and 52.


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