What do paddy farmers in Deemawso Township expect from the government to do for farmers in the 2020 general election? What kind of government do they expect in the election to benefit the farmers?

Ko Di Win (Pha Yar Kone Village)
“When we harvest the paddy, the price is not good price. In whatever season we harvest, no matter the bean yield, the price of beans is not good, so do the paddy. We, farmers, have to sell at a lower price and pay off our debts. We want a government that helps farmers. We want a party that supports farmers. But we don’t know where we’re going to vote because we have to work in our farm everyday.”

Ma Kay Thi Oo (Sanpya 6-Mile Village-tract, Wan La Htwar Village)
“The main problem for farmers now is paddy and water sources. In case of the paddy we farm, we also sell as raw materials. But the expense is very high. There are no paddy prices. Whereas, fertilizer prices rise up. In fact, the raw products produced from farmers do not have fix market at all. Of course not. While we are supposed to get 1,000 kyat per pyeitta, we get only half of its price instead.”

U Aung Myint Swe (Sanpya 6-Mile Village-tract, Wan La Htwar Village)
“In the 2020 election, I will vote the government which can consider the freedom of movement for the people to be able to trade freely. In case o paddy price, The price this year has decreased, lower price. Even if the price is lower, I have to sell as that low price. We lost when prices fall down. For example, if the price goes down by 10-20 kyats, the price of fertilizer is over 100,00 while paddy price is only 100. It would be good if paddy price is stable.”

Daw Mary Thein (Sanpya 6-Mile Village-tract, Betalain Village), Daily laborer
“There is no price for paddy. I want price of paddy to rise up… I earn 6,000 Kayts a day. In the past, it was only 4,000. Then 4,000-5,000. Now I get about 6,000 Kyats. It’s is a little bit better.”