Kantarawaddy Times
The National League for Democracy (NLD) said on September 3 that the decision to oust the Kayah state chief minister was a personal attack.
U Hla Htwe, Speaker of the Kayah State Hluttaw, responded that this was not a personal matter but a matter of cooperation with parliamentarians in accordance with the constitution.

U Hla Htwe said, “The power of the Speaker of the Hluttaw can only be exercised when it is presented by five representatives. It is important for all to understand that there are rumors that I have ousted the Chief Minister. Another thing is that they attacked me in various ways such as their saying that there was no NLD candidate. I do not want to say no NLD candidates include or not. I just want to say that I did it according to the constitution given under Article 263.”
The NLD issued a statement yesterday following the president’s order announcing the dismissal of Kayah State Chief Minister U L Poung Sho and the appointment of Agriculture and Irrigation Minister, U Bosco, as caretaker Chief Minister.
It mentioned on the statement that the Speaker of the Kayah State Hluttaw will no longer contesting as NLD candidate in the 2020 general election, so he schemed together with some Hluttaw Representatives in order to defame the image of NLD party in the right time.
The three people from investigation group who accused the Chief Minister are investigating Chairman, Secretary, and a member.
It mentioned on social media site of Former Chief Minister U L Poung Sho that the prosecution’s involvement in the case could lead to public perception that the prosecutor is acting as a judge.
The Speaker of the Hluttaw said that this was to create a multi-party system and justice.
“Without a multi-party system, for example, if one member of the military is left out, they will ask me why you do not include him. It also includes Kayah Democratic Party. If I do like this, they will surely ask why like this. It includes all the members including USDP, and we do it fair and justice.”
The law does not say who should or should not be included in the investigation team, but it can only be formed with members of parliament, said Khu Talay (nickname) Poe Reh, a lawyer.
“Who and what should be formed is mainly that it has to be MPs, or representatives of Hluttaw.” said Khu Talay (nickname) Poe Reh.
The NLD said in a statement that the speaker did not act in accordance with the law, despite the resignation of one of the accusers.
U Hla Htwe, the speaker of the Hluttaw, said the constitution was followed because there is no resignation law in term of the accused case.
“What he said was the Civil Service Law. He was also allowed to refute the accusation. However, he never came. According to Article 263, there is no law that the plaintiff who want to file a complaint should not join the investigation,” said U Hla Htwe.
In the 2015 election, U Hla Htwe contested from NLD side and won constituency No. 2 in Shadaw Township, and he will return to compete as independent party at the same constituency in the upcoming 2020 general election.
It said U Hla Htwe resigned from the NLD party on previous month, August 6.