Soe Htike Aung
Ma Twe Tar Naing, who passed with the second place in matriculation exam in Kayah State, has already made her plan to attend a linguistic university which she has strong passion.
“I plan to continue my education with my hobby studying linguistic. I plan to apply to a linguistic university.”

She passed the matriculation exam with 4 distinctions such as Myanmar, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Biology, totally 469 scores. It mentioned in the list of students who passed with the highest marks in the matriculation exam (science major), she is the second highest score in the state.She is from Shwe Bon Pwint Ward, Ngwe Taung Village Tract, Deemawso Township, studied at No.2 High School of Ngwe Taung, and graduated in her fresher year with distinctions in 4 subjects in the 2019-2020 academic year.
Since she took the matriculation exams, she has studied and joined the online classes or purchased and read the relevant books in order to be able to study at a foreign language university.
“When the matriculation exam result is out, I was not expected at the beginning. I just kept myself in conscious to study well to get a good score and took the exam. When the exam result is out, the matriculation exam is out state by state on that night. I was surprised after seeing my name listed there. I was also very happy.”
She said that the success of this exam is due to the fact that the main thing is to pay well attention in teacher lecturing time of each subject.
“Regarding to the lecture, every subject teacher gave lecture carefully. They also explained well the update of question format always and since the beginning of the academic year. In case of the errors, they explained everything in detail. If it is wrong, they point out exactly where it is wrong. Every subject is taught carefully.”

She has not been to school regularly due to her health problem since she was a child, but has often won excellence awards at her early age.
When she was in the 10th grade, she could not attend school regularly and had to study outside from school because of her poor health. She studied until 11 pm at night, and she started her self-study again at 5 am before going to school in the morning.
She has a family of five and her parents makes their family living in agriculture and commerce. Their family is doing well financially and there is also encouragement on child’s education. Parents, on the other hand, prefer not to do too much housework at home and let them focus on education.
“I have to give a rest myself, so do my brain. Then I listened to the teachers’ advice, guidance, and lecture. Although the grade 10th exam could not make a change to my whole life, it is a turning point in life. One day when you look back, this will play as a good memory. And if you pass the 10th grade matriculation exam, you can have a good opportunity surely.”
While she is waiting for her time to go to university, she studies the languages of English, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese online.In Kayah State, there are 7,906 students who took the matriculation exam in 2019-2020 and 2,340 passed. The pass rate is 29.60 percent for the whole state.