The military council has reopened Loikaw General Hospital, but locals say there’s still no adequate medical care


Kantarawaddy Times

The Loikaw General Hospital, which was closed following the start of the 1111 operation, has been reopened by the military council. According to the military-controlled Myanma Alin newspaper published on June 3rd, the state government has conducted inspections.

While the military council claims to have reopened hospitals, a male resident of Loikaw City told Kantarawaddy Times that it is still difficult to access healthcare.

“I don’t think it’s much of an improvement. The news will just spread, but we have to consider the follow of commodities. It’s good to have hospitals and clinics, but they are not fully functional yet,” he said.

According to sources, residents who have returned to Loikaw City are admitted to the military council’s clinics for healthcare. Sources also indicated that while military hospitals might be accessible to military families, ordinary citizens find it difficult to access healthcare at military hospitals.

“The hospital is open, but there aren’t enough doctors and nurses. That’s why people have to go to the military hospital when they need medical care,” said a Loikaw resident.

On May 31st, a state government delegation, including the state minister appointed by the military council, U Zaw Myo Tin, met with healthcare workers at Loikaw General Hospital to discuss healthcare provision according to the news.

The state government claims that Loikaw General Hospital, a 500-bed public hospital, has resumed operations under its leadership.

Over six months have passed since the 1111 operation began in Loikaw City. Some villages and wards in the city have seen residents return, but their numbers remain limited.

“Not a lot of residents have returned to their wards or villages. Some areas like Law Ta Ma, Daw Ta Ma, and the 500-acre area including Kyi Thar Yar have seen some people come back. Residents living in those areas are able to stay; however, other villages and wards have not seen improvement for residents’ return,” said a Loikaw resident.

The military council has been operating their administration system in Loikaw City and they have been providing seeds, fertilizers, and other necessary items for farming to returnees. However, reports from residents indicate ongoing clashes between the military council and resistance forces in neighborhoods like Naungyar, Nanattaw, Thae Nga Lyar, and Mhon Pyar, as well as near the GTC School in Myin Lone.


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