The Increase in Armed Individuals Poses Challenges for Police Operations, According to the Karenni State Police (KSP)


By Kantarawaddy Times

In Karenni State, where the number of crimes has risen, the ease with which people can obtain firearms has become a challenge for the Karenni State Police (KSP), which is working to uphold law and order. KSP’s Information and Communications Officer, Ko Bobo, mentioned this issue.

“Since we are a newly established organization, we do not yet have the full personnel and weaponry that we should. When arresting suspects who may be armed, we have to be very cautious. There is a risk of danger coming back to us. Right now, during this revolutionary period, everyone is armed and fighting, and some are taking advantage of this situation for the wrong purposes,” said Ko Bobo.

During the revolution, there have been more than five armed groups in Karenni State, including those formed during the military coup, such as the KNDF and PDF. Most of these armed groups are composed of local residents.

Over the past three years, 14 police stations, 13 security outposts, and 5 township police offices have been established in the revolution-controlled areas. However, Ko Bobo mentioned that the number of KSP personnel is still insufficient to carry out police services effectively.

“In reality, based on the situation in our state, KSP needs at least 1,000 personnel. However, we currently have just over 500,” said Ko Bobo.

Ko Bobo also emphasized the need for appropriate firearms control laws to prevent ordinary citizens from easily obtaining firearms. He stated that collaboration is necessary between the armed groups, the Interim Executive Council (IEC) of Karenni State, and KSP to address this issue.

In the past three years, KSP has handled 520 cases, with the majority being drug-related crimes. On August 25th, during the 3rd-anniversary ceremony of KSP’s establishment, over 70,000 confiscated drugs were destroyed by burning.

Ko Bobo also statesmthat KSP members are actively working to tackle the sale and trafficking of drugs within the state. The Karenni State Police (KSP) was established on August 25th, 2021, with the goal of providing law enforcement, security, and services based on federal principles, while opposing the dictatorial regime and focusing on the people.


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