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KNPP: Peace Cannot Be Restored Through NCA Path

By Kantarawaddy Times The military regime aims to present its commitment to peace by initiating talks through the country's long-struggling Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). However,...

KNPP Committed to Peace Despite Reluctance to Join NCA, general secretary says

By Kantarawaddy Times The Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) vowed to maintain peace in Karenni (aka Kayah) State, even though the ethnic armed organization (EAO)...

“It is very gratifying not to hear gunshots and bombs even though they haven’t signed the NCA yet.”

Kantarawaddy Times We have interviewed with Hpruso Township Pyithu Hluttaw representative, U Pe Du, who is also a member of Lower House Races Affairs and...

How Are the Political Parties Preparing for Campaign in NCA Non-signatory Territories?

Soe Htike Aung Regarding to peace process, Kayah (Karenni) State is the state which Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) haven't signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement...

“NCA-S-EAO leaders often point out the stalled trust building in peace process”

By Soe Htike Aung How are Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement Signatories, NCA-S EAOs, and government moving forward with peace process during the prevention and control of...

“If we have the same mission and goal, we could build trust”

Soe Htike Aung If we look at Karenni (Kayah) State, we have various EAOs based on its ethnic minorities. In democracy nations, the different groups negotiate...

KNPP Not Ready To Sign NCA

By Kantarawaddy Times Following a series of oppugnant episodes, exacerbating an existing climate of distrust in Karenni (Kayah) State towards the government and Army, the...

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