Soldiers Block Food from Reaching Hpruso Displaced Camps


By Kantarawaddy Times

The Burma army has hindered volunteers from delivering essential food items to civilians in displaced camps in Hpruso Township, Karenni State.

“There have been clashes on the road, and the Burma army has blocked access in Hpruso Township while also arresting motorists,” said U Banyar, the founder of the Karenni Human Rights Group. He mentioned that this has contributed to an increase in the prices of rice and other staples like cooking oil and even salt.

Fighting has escalated between Hpruso and Demoso townships and it is posing obstacles to supplying camps in these areas.

“We cannot predict how high the costs of food will continue to rise. As prices increase every day, there isn’t enough money to purchase food rations for the people.”

Banyar noted this issue is not limited to Hpruso; all other townships are facing the same problem.


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