Skin Rashes Prevalent Among Children in Shawng Hkyin Oo IDP Camp in Pruso Township, Karenni State


By Kantarawaddy Times

Children residing in the Shawng Hkyin Oo IDP camp in Pruso Township, Karenni State, are experiencing widespread skin rashes. It has been about two months since the outbreak began.

A woman over 40 years old, residing in the camp, reported that her three children, along with most of the children in the camp, are suffering from skin rashes.

“Nearly all the children have been affected. Only a few remain unaffected. Currently, all three of my children have developed rashes,” she stated.

She explained that the children, due to their weakened immune systems, are experiencing symptoms like skin rashes, runny noses, coughs, and fever when they get infected by the rash. They are only able to receive basic treatment with paracetamol, runny nose medicine, and cough medicine from a self-reliant local clinic.

A parent of a student shared that at the beginning of the outbreak, they were hesitant to send their child to school due to the lack of medicine and the rapid spread of the rashes.

“We didn’t even dare send them to school initially because we were afraid they would spread it to others. However, it has improved slightly now,” said the parent.

The IDPs living in this camp have been displaced multiple times, having moved at least three times. Currently, over 400 people from more than 100 households reside in this camp.


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