Sickness Overtakes IDP Camps in Karenni and Shan States

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By Kantarawaddy Times

Civilians displaced by fighting in Karenni State (Kayah State) living in squalid, crowded camps without nutritional food and medicine are suffering from diarrhoea as the conflict between the military and civilian resistance group passed its third week.

An elder told Kantarawaddy Times both adults and children are getting sick from drinking the dirty water. “We don’t have proper medicine. Some people brought some, but not enough for everyone.” Others are coughing or suffering from other respiratory illnesses and have diarrhoea.

A volunteer said the fighting affected many people at the same time, stretching the available resources. In the jungle, there isn’t enough water for the camps. Because of the conflict “elders are depressed. Everyone is miserable.”

Burma Army offensives have displaced one-quarter of the 400,000 population of Karenni State. For weeks, the military has been pounding Demawso Township in Karenni State and Moe Bye (aka Mobyel) in Shan State with artillery. The shelling has destroyed many homes.

The Army blocked roads into Karenni State, hampering efforts to deliver aid that is urgently needed.

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