Severe Seasonal Flu Outbreak in Waidulyar IDP camp, Hpruso Township; Urgently Need for Medical Assistance


Kantarawaddy Times

A severe outbreak of seasonal flu has affected Waidulyar IDP camp, Hpruso township, Karenni State, for more than two months. Due to medical shortages, they urgently need medical assistance to address this situation, a camp committee representative told to Kantarawaddy Times.

“We suspect it’s seasonal flu. It might be due to the change in weather, with the rainy season ending and the cold setting in,” he said.

The flu has rapidly spread within the family and the situation worsens in these days.

“More than half of the children are not able to attend the school. When one family member has been infected, everyone ends up getting sick, including teachers,” said a female IDP.

The flu outbreak began in early September, and those severely affected face challenges accessing healthcare due to the seven-hour journey required to reach the nearest hospital.

It is known that there are 150 households with over 700 population, including students, in Waidulyar IDP camp.


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