SAC Shelling Kills 2 Women, Injuring 9 People in Loikaw Township


By Kantarawaddy Times

The military regime targeted civilians traveling to their farms with an 81 mm mortar fired from a truck, killing two middle-aged women and wounding nine people in Lawpita village-tract in Loikaw Township, a local man and Col Phone Naing, adjutant general of Karenni Army, informed Kantarawaddy Times. No fighting had been reported in the area at the time of the attack.

The local source, requesting anonymity, explained that the injured civilians hailing from Nankut, Daw Tacha, and Kalokhu villages are in critical condition.

Fighting in Loikaw Township has spiked after the resistance launched the 1111 Operation to force SAC troops from Loikaw town, which would allow them to control most of Karenni State. The regime has been shelling and flying airstrikes in the Karenni State capital every day, killing multiple civilians and causing extensive property damage.

On Christmas Day, SAC launched 34 airstrikes on the town where most of the population has already fled.


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