One-third of Population at Kar Nar IDP camp in Dee Maw Hso Township suffering from diarrhea.


Yaw Dar (Newsland),

About one-third of the residents at Kar Nar IDP camp located on the west side of Dee Maw Hso Township in Karenni State are suffering from diarrhoea, including children and adults, according to an official from the IDP camp.

Diarrhoea started spreading in the camp in early July. Nearly 60 out of the 173 residents of the camp have been infected. Beside diarrhea, symptoms such as vomiting, aches and pains, and dizziness are also being reported.

“This is because living in close proximity with a large number of people introduces various environmental factors. For instance, the condition of the toilets plays a significant role. While some toilets are clean and well-maintained, others are not constructed properly, leading to an increase in flies,” said Ko Khwargyi, a camp assistance official.

Additionally, he further anticipated that the diarrheas outbreak could be caused by weather conditions, consuming overripe fruits and vegetables, eating food contaminated by flies, and drinking unclean water.

The current diarrhea outbreak is reportedly worse than in previous years, according to the camp’s official in charge.

When contracting to the diarrhea, IDPs are managing to treat themselves with medicine and drinking electrolyte for treatment. If their condition worsens, they go to nearby clinics or hospitals, said Daw Kalo, an IDP suffering from diarrhoea, describing the access to health care.

“There is no clinic in the IDP camp. We have to go to the clinics opened by the Karenni Army (KA), PDF, and the Interim Executive Council,” Daw Kalo added.

The Kar Nar IDP camp has been in existence since 2022 and shelters people displaced by the conflict from Dee Maw Hso, Kone Thar, Tee Poe Kalo, Thin So Leh, and Nan Mel Khone.

Additionally, residents from Loikaw, displaced by the military operation that started in November 2023, have also taken refuge in the camp. Currently, there are 40 households with a total of 173 people living in the camp.


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