Kantarawaddy Times
U Thein Aung (Nickname) Sae Reh, Constituency No.1 of Deemawso Township, Kayah State, said he had submitted his objection letter to Hluttaw Chairman that he withdraws from signing the impeachment motion against the Chief Minister of Kayah State and object to the accusation.
In this regard, U Thein Aung (nickname) Sae Reh said that it was just his personal decision.

“There is nothing our party forcing me to do so. Because it comes from my creed as a member of NLD. Indeed, it is my fault. I did mistake, and I do not blame anyone.”
On the webpage of National League for Democracy (NLD), August 20, it described that the signing of the impeachment motion against Kayah State Chief Minister, U L Phoun Sho, for his violation on the provisions of Article 263 (A) in Section-5 of the Constitution is due to the fact that it was forced to sign by the State Hluttaw Chairman and U Hla Myint, the Secretary of Investigation Committee. Thus, they signed the letter without properly reading its content.
Regarding this, U Thein Aung (nickname) Sae Reh said, “To be clear, why I signed the letter is not because of the other force. As I have already mentioned about the letter. I said them that I am sorry I don’t want to sign it. Then they said it is okey to sign, no problem for it. So, I signed it the first time, but the date was incorrect, it was prepared without the Date. In second time, I said them again that I am sorry I don’t want to sign it. In the State Hluttaw meeting, however, I signed it as they said please sign, there will be no problem.”
Five members of the State MP who signed the impeachment motion, are U Khin Maung Tun, U Theh Reh, U Thein Aung, U Soe Reh, and U Aye Shwe.
U Theh Reh, a Member of the State Hluttaw and Constituency No. 1 representative in Phruso Township, said that the allegations have been prepared since 2018.
“This has been going on for a long time. Since the complaint was made in 2018, after the misappriapted earned from heavy-machineries and questioned about it in the Hluttaw, the MPs have been consulting on such allegations before. But we have never proceeded it. On the one hand, we have been waiting for the CM to see if he would change or do it again, and it has been now to 2020. ”
The allegations were made at a previous session of the state Hluttaw, which said that the state government’s heavy-machinery repair fees were spent from the public fund and that the rental money did not go to the public fund.
At the 17th regular session (day 3rd) of the second regular session of the Kayah State Hluttaw, the revenue from the machinery rental was used with the decision made in the meeting of the state government, said U Ti Reh, Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation.
The first tender was held from April 1 to 30, 2020 for the auction of Kayah State government-owned machinery, and the second tender was held from May 18, 2020 until May 17, 2020.
From 16.9.2015 to 8.5.2018, it was 367.244 million kyats for the rental of machinery. In fact, it said the minimum rent for the machine has to be 948.6 million kyats.
The rental revenue has to be paid to the State Government Office with Account No. ND-023111 in accordance with the financial procedures, and 10 heavy-machines in 10/2018 and 8 bulldozers in 1/2020 were not allowed to rent anymore and called for first round auction, but no bidder on its tender.
The auction was held again on May 13 and the government said at state Hluttaw meeting on June that the sale revenue will be paid to the state government account number ND-023111.