Military Junta Deploys People’s Militia for Security at Schools and Government Offices in Loikaw


Kantarawaddy Times

The Myanmar military junta has deployed local People’s Militia forces, especially those who support the junta and local residents, to guard schools, including the University of Technology and Computer University, basic education schools, and government offices in Loikaw.

“They’ve stationed guards at GTC (University of Technology). I have heard about it, but I haven’t been there. Also, they are collecting 5,000 kyats per household in the neighborhoods for security patrols,” a local resident reported.

The 5,000 kyat fee has been collected for security patrols at the administration office in Dawtama Ward since last year. Residents who cannot pay are required to participate in security duties.

The People’s Militia in Loikaw was formed after the 1111 Operation, and the majority of its members are local residents and junta supporters.

“Those who didn’t flee after the operation joined the militia. Some joined because they lost their income, some to avoid prosecution for crimes like theft or drug-related offenses, and others were forced to join under threats,” a local resident explained.

Meanwhile, reports indicate that homes abandoned by displaced residents due to the battles in Loikaw are being looted. Many of the looters are reportedly affiliated with the military and operate freely within residential areas.

Additionally, locals claim that some members of the junta-backed People’s Militia are involved in theft.

“The only people moving around at night are these militia members. Before the 1111 Operation, they had nothing, but now they own cars and motorbikes (Brands made in Thailand),” another resident noted.

Currently, members of the People’s Militia reportedly receive monthly salaries ranging from 180,000 to 300,000 kyats. Ward administrators and community leaders in Loikaw are also pressuring more people to join the militia.


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