Malaria Cases Rise in Some IDP Camps in Pruso Township


Kantarawaddy Times

In the western part of Pruso Township, Karenni State, malaria is spreading widely in some IDP camps. Additionally, there are cases of dengue fever and diarrhea, according to humanitarian aid workers.

“Many people who previously contracted malaria are experiencing reinfections, primarily affecting adults. Conversely, dengue fever and diarrhea are more prevalent among children,” stated the aid worker.

Malaria cases are reportedly higher than those of dengue fever and diarrhea. People who travel to and from the forest are more likely to contract malaria, and there is a lack of preventive measures, according to locals.

“The reason why malaria is so prevalent now is partly due to water. Therefore, there is an urgent need for mosquito control chemicals in the lakes, to prevent mosquito from breeding and laying eggs. The situation would improve if such chemicals were added. It appears that the absence of mosquito control chemicals in the lakes for the past four or five years has contributed to this problem,” explained another aid worker.

Since the rainy season began in June, there has been an increase in cases of diarrhea and dengue fever. Consuming contaminated food and water and poor personal hygiene can cause diarrhea, while mosquito bites during the rainy season can lead to dengue fever, according to an aid worker.

In the IDP camps of Sein Taung Thar and Shay Loo Mu in the western part of Pruso, nearly 40 out of 200 children under the age of 10 have been affected by dengue fever, diarrhea, and malaria, while nearly 60 out of 600 adults have been infected with malaria.

For the prevention of dengue fever, diarrhea, and malaria, a health worker recommended implementing an eleven-point plan. The methods are abbreviated as “Covering, Pouring, Carrying, Filtering, Throwing, Netting, Changing, Opening, Burying, Clearing, and Keeping.”

In term of health care, a doctor from the western part of Pruso stated that they can only adequately provide a month’s supply of medicines for patients seeking treatment at the clinic. However, due to financial constraints in purchasing medicines, they can only provide limited quantity of medicines.

There are 372 houses and 1,515 IDPs in the two IDP camps of Sein Taung Thar and Shay Loo Mu in the western part of Pruso. Due to transportation difficulties, it is reported that some villages and IDP camps face challenges in accessing hospitals and clinics for emergency healthcare.


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