By Kantarawaddy Times
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
The Karenni State Police (KSP), formed by police officers who left their posts after the military coup, has announced that it’ll take action against several teachers who refused to stop teaching under the regime, like other civil servants who quit their jobs to join the country’s civil disobedience movement.

KSP spokesperson Bo Bo said: “The Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC) has already asked government staff, including teachers, to join the CDM against the military regime. We’ll therefore take action against those who don’t join…in the area under our control because they’re working for the military regime.”
According to a KSP officer, KSP and Karenni Nationalities Defence Force Battalion 12 detained six teachers working at a high school in Loilin Lay in Loikaw Township on 24 June. They’re under investigation and will be charged with existing and customary laws.
”We’re trying to stop the activities of the State Administration Council (SAC) in our area. That’s why we’ve have detained them,” he told Kantarawaddy Times.
Loilin Lay High School recently reopened after being closed since the coup.
According to a Kayah State Teachers’ Union official, over 3,000 teachers have joined the CDM.
“Most teachers have joined the CDM, only a few haven’t. After winning the revolution, we’ll also take action against them.”
In February, the KSCC said in a statement that it wanted to destroy all the supporting pillars of SAC.