Karenni Resistance Forces SAC From Mese Township


By Kantarawaddy Times

The Karenni resistance has driven all State Administration Council (SAC) troops from Mese Township along the Thai border since fighting started in June after Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF) defected from the military regime, joining the revolution.

Col Phone Naing, adjutant general of Karenni Army (KA), told Kantarawaddy Times they have rid the township of SAC after his group and other resistance groups forced the withdrawal of Pan Tein, the junta’s last camp in the area, on Friday, November 24.

When SAC lost the town of Mese in June, the regime attempted to send many soldiers, weapons, and food by ground and air to retake it but ultimately failed. Meanwhile, the resistance killed many of their troops and captured huge caches of their weapons.

Phone Naing cautioned against civilians returning to the township just yet as SAC is likely to send in airstrikes.

“Locals shouldn’t return to their villages at this time as they must wait to monitor what happens on the ground to know what is possible.”

No recent fighting has been reported in the Mese area with resistance groups.


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