IDPs Lack Healthcare In Eastern Demoso


By Kantarawaddy Times

Most of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) have fled eastern Demoso Township after the Burma army launched its biggest ground offensive against resistance forces in Karenni State this year. Those who have stayed, however, have lost what little support they once had after the majority of the health workers moved to the western township.

“Because we no longer felt safe here, we moved to less dangerous places,” a health worker told Kantarawaddy Times on condition of anonymity. But she’s concerned about the challenges of providing care to the IDPs after the cost of medicines and transport increased drastically.

“We are worried about our people and fear that there may be shortages of medicines in the future” as the fighting is still happening, she explained.

A mother displaced by the violence, who requested anonymity, said that when children and elderly people fall ill, there are no medical staff left to help them. “We have to travel very far to reach a clinic.”

The Karenni Nationalities Defense Force, which is fighting against the regime, has asked that IDPs not return to the eastern township while there’s still Burma army troops staying in villages.


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