How do the locals of Manu Manaw (Kawyaw) ethnics from Tawkhu village tract, Hpruso Township, understand about peace?

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How do the locals of Manu Manaw (Kawyaw) ethnics from Tawkhu village tract, Hpruso Township, understand about peace?

Here’s the responses of locals regarding to the questionnaires – how do you define the peace process which is struggling by the current state government, Tatmadaw, and the ethnic armed organizations (EAOs)?

U Kyaw Sein (Plo Day Kho Village)

U Kyaw Sein (Plo Day Kho Village)
Comparing to 4, 5, and 10 years ago – war period – the current situation is going better. But I expect to keep maintain it to be like present day in the coming years as well. It is disgusting to migrate or porter as before.

U Dar Wi (Thaw Khu Village)

U Dar Wi (Thaw Khu Village)
As a local, I really desire peace. I really want it, I really expect to have it. Everything will be developed only if we have the good peace. If there is no peace, whatever you do, for example- the road will be disrupted or whatever you do, ican be frustrating to do something without peace. Everything is really disturbing. If we compare with the modern terms, it has also slowed development. For me, peace means it is not that long yet which Kayah State has recently signed a ceasefire agreement. Although it is not that long, in this meantime, it’s very fine and peaceful. Now they have reached at only ceasefire. It is not real peace yet. But if it is very peaceful, it will be very good and people will have more opportunities. So far there are the roads reached to villages that it have never done before. I believe it will be even better if there is a genuine and strong peace, federal union.

Francisco (Kaw Pra Village)

Francisco (Kaw Pra Village)
In term of the rule and regulation amended by the Tatmataw, Government, and the EAOs, it should be like rejecting the bad law, and promoting a good law or make it better. And although all the armed groups, the government, and the civil organizations want peace together, it would be better if they struggle for it with love. I think it would be better for the people if they live together regardless of race or religion and take full responsibility on their roles. Even though they have had ceasefire agreement, we would say it is still not peaceful yet. Still need to do so many other things. In order to make peace, the government needs to do the amendments as mentioned earlier. Although we have new government, it would be better if they do not commit any corruption. It would be better for the citizens if the Tatmadaw and the armed groups do not lead any further fighting during the ceasefire period.

Saw Khu Leh Wah (Plo Day Kho Village)

Saw Khu Leh Wah (Plo Day Kho Village)
As a perspective of a citizen on peace process, I have a bit satisfaction upon peace. But another thing is, we don’t know well whether the negotiation among the government, the military, and armed groups is really effective or not. However, the question is whether the peace they are building really mean for our people? Is the peace for their benefit? Are we care about the people? We need to know that. As for me, currently it is peaceful, but one day it will not be peaceful again. In that case, I really want to suggest them to carefully understand the needs of citizens and then move the next step building peace. Although they said it is for the citizens, but mostly they often made their own benefits. They do not look for the people whereas they look for the benefits of their own organization, so they could not grab the real peace. We do not want peace to be defined as “no war means peace”. We have to consider whether we have got the minority rights? We will believe there is real peace with us only if we have that rights.

U Moe Zaw (Pleh Leh Village)

U Moe Zaw (Pleh Leh Village)
At the moment, we know only that the condition is calm. But one thing is for sure that we hear no more gunfire and war. Although no more hearing about war and most people saying this modern day is like the era of transparency with no corruption, we still see it. In fact, if they really struggle for peace, it is good for us. I really want it too. But sometimes there is not any significant changes for us with or without peace.

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