Flood Crisis in Somo-Pray-Soe Lay Township Leaves Nearly 900 Homeless, with 200 Homes Destroyed


By Kantarawaddy Times

In Somo-Pray-Soe Lay Township (also referred to as Shan Daw Township), severe flooding in September caused widespread devastation, destroying nearly 200 homes across four villages near the Pon Chaung River and displacing more than 900 residents.

The affected villages include Pon Chaung, Sue Palaw, Naw Palu, and Thin Leh. In addition to the loss of homes, the flood ravaged local agriculture, with over 823 acres of paddy, sesame, and sunflower crops destroyed, severely impacting the livelihoods of farmers.

Though water levels have receded, the destruction of crops has left many residents struggling to meet basic needs, forcing them to survive on a day-to-day basis.

Maw Meh Mo, a relief volunteer, explained, “The four villages are still grappling with the aftermath of the flood. With more than 823 acres of crops destroyed, they have very little left to rely on. Right now, many people are merely getting by, but they are deeply concerned about how they will sustain themselves in the long term.”

In response to the crisis, an Emergency Response Coordination Team (ERCT) was formed on October 2, bringing together local authorities from Loikaw and Somo-Pray-Soe Lay Townships. The ERCT is actively developing plans to assist the flood-affected communities and support recovery efforts.

Maw Meh Mo further elaborated, ” We’ve formed this ERCT team. Currently, we’re just developing plans and outlining the actions needed to provide assistance. Even before the team was officially formed, some relief efforts had already begun, and we are committed to continuing these efforts moving forward.”

Despite initial aid efforts, the displaced residents are in urgent need of more assistance. Many have sought temporary shelter with relatives, while others are living in makeshift huts.


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