By Kantarawaddy Times
The number of COVID-19 cases, which has multiplied, is directly related to the increase in villagers displaced by Burma Army offensives and fighting with resistance groups in Karenni State.
It’s not only the citizens living in internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps who’re affected, many villagers who’ve not been displaced from their homes are also falling ill.
According to a volunteer from the Nway Oo Groups COVID-19 Centre, most of the new cases in eastern Demawso Township are in the villages of Pa Dor Du, Dor Tama Gyi to Dor Nye Khu.
Both young and old are sick but except for two senior citizens suffering from severe symptoms, everyone else is doing well, he said. All 145 cases have been quarantined.
Due to the conflict, it’s extremely difficult to attend to their health needs at the centre because of the lack of oxygen and the fact that they’ve to share what little medication is available with other residents of the township, the volunteer explained.
“We have enough for patients in eastern Demawso Township, but we need some for Thay Hsule and Lober Kho in western Demawso Township,” after the cases there have increased.
In addition, the infected IDPs aren’t getting nutritious food, says a volunteer from eastern Loikaw Township helping an entire family with COVID-19.
“The family has no chickens or eggs (to eat). Patients with COVID-19 need nutritious food and I ask that private donors provide this for them.”
There have been at least 100 cases in an IDP camp in eastern Loikaw Township since the first transmission was confirmed on 28 September.