Company workers from remote arrived to Hpruso Township to build an educational building

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Soe Htike Aung

Amid locals fear over Covid19 outbreaks, 17 companies which won the projects from the Department of Education located their migrant workers from out side of the Kayah State, in Pruso Township.

“There are 22 buildings in Hpruso Township. I heard there are roughly 17 companies for 22 schools. And there is a company that comes in with migrant workers; They have 12 migrant workers,” said an official from the General Administration Department of Hpruso Township.

For the fiscal year 2020-2021 under the theme of capital construction; they received 15 school buildings, 5 staff housings, one hall for township education director, and one science building.In the morning of 14 December 2020, officials from the Township General Administration Department, Tender companies; Hpruso Township Education Officer, some lawmakers and some locals discussed the quality of the school building and the influx of migrant workers.

During the meeting, U Teh Reh, a member of the State Hluttaw for Constituency No. 1 in Hpruso Township, said that he had told them to keep migrant workers in order and not to mix them with the villagers where they resettle.

“We want to deal systematically with the import of workers. I also instructed them not to mix the villagers with those migrant workers who are going to build the building. But we will have to wait and see how they comply,” U Teh Reh said.

A company has ordered a total of 12 migrant workers to enter quaranteen center placed in Daw Po Shay and Law Ku Khu.

It is said the workers will be allowed to go to work only after undergoing two COVID tests result with negative.Other tender companies have only invited local workers and have submitted their nominations.

MD U Myint Lwin Oo from Lin Let Shwe Sin Company said, “Yes, we only use workers in our state.”U San Reh, an official from Kayah Nyi Naung Company, said, “Either townships or whatever it is, we all have to submit the list of workers. Regarding to the submission of the list of workers, we have to submit to the Township Education Office, the General Administration Department, and Health Department.”

U Hla Win, an Hpruso Township Education Officer, said, “There are quite a lot of primary schools. We hve more primary schools, so we get places that are a little bit remote and really in need. There is still a need in Hpruso Township because it is a difficult area,” said U Hla Win, Hpruso Township Education Officer.

U Tun Tun Aye, Project Manager (in charge of Moe Bwe branch office) at Nay Pyi Taw-based IDM Company, said only state workers would be used for construction work.

“I will only use people from Kayah State. I also sent the list to the township education officer,” U Tun Tun Aye said.

Although we tried to contact to some mainland-based (outsider) companies who have been invited to bid for the construction of 22 educational facilities in Hpruso Township, but have not responded.The total value of the 22 projects is 1,111.29 million kyats and the total tender value of the 22 projects is 1986.7120 million.

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