Teacher Union in Kayah State Ready To Work With Interim Govt

By Kantarawaddy Times The Kayah State Teacher Union (KSTU) will take direction from the National Unity Government (NUG), not from the junta's military council, its...

Kayah State Consultative Council Will Work With Interim Govt

By Kantarawaddy Times Kayah State Consultative Council (KSCC) pledged to cooperate with the interim government established by Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), which consists of...

Police Officer’s Wife Who Joined CDM in Kayah State Suffers Miscarriage

By Kantarawaddy Times After joining the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), a pregnant wife of a police officer lost her baby while the couple were hiding...

Govt Servants in Kayah State Who Joined Protest Movement Drowning in Debt

By Kantarawaddy Times Government servants and others who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) to overthrow the military regime are asking private companies in Kayah...

Peace Begins With Federal Democracy: Kayah State MP Says

By Kantarawaddy Times An MP from Burma's democratic government ousted during a coup over two months ago told a group of protesters gathered in a...

Protester’s Body Returned To Family in Kayah State

By Kantarawaddy Times Burma's armed forces delivered the body of a man they arrested a day earlier to his family in Kayah State. Myo Lwin Oo...

Teachers, Parents Protest SAC’s Meddling With Kayah State Public Schools

By Kantarawaddy Times Teachers and parents gathered across Kayah State to protest a refresher course the junta's State Administration Council (SAC) is offering to school...

CHDN Committed To Providing Medical Care In Kayah State Despite Risks

By Kantarawaddy Times The Civil Health and Development Network (CHDN) vowed to work hard to ensure that healthcare is available for residents in remote areas...

More Than 100 Police Join Civil Disobedience Movement in Kayah State

By Kantarawaddy Times More than 100 members of the police force, including high ranking officers, have joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) in Kayah (Karenni)...

Govt Staff Locked Out of Apartments After Joining Protests

By Kantarawaddy Times Authorities changed the padlocks in residences of municipal servants who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) in Loikaw, Kayah State. A letter pinned...

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