Saturday, June 6, 2020
Critics of the government say it's dishonouring an agreement made with the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) during a state-level ceasefire...
Kantarawaddy Times
Corn farmers are encountering with the issue of armyworm infestations on their corn farms in Kayah State.
A huge armyworm infestation occurred by last...
By Soe Hteik Aung/Kantarawaddy Times
Practising land governance that adheres to the principles of federalism isn't possible under current land laws, says a Karenni environmental...
Soe Htike Aung
Regarding to peace process, Kayah (Karenni) State is the state which Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) haven't signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement...
The Burma Army handed over protective equipment to the Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) in the Karenni...
By Kantarawaddy Times
Village-tract leaders from Demawso township sent a letter to the Kayah State government demanding that they fire the township's general administration development...
Kantarawaddy Times
Kayah State remains as the only state among divisions/states which is disinfected from COVID-19 after (3) new cases including one from Ayeyarwady Division...
Kantarawaddy Times
It is released in the evening on May 14 at the Facebook Page of Kayah State Government Office that the previous curfew hour,10pm-4am...