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Kantarawaddy Times


Military Council Burn Food and Medicine For Displaced Villagers in Shan State

By Kantarawaddy Times The military is committing crimes against humanity, according to Humanitarian Focal, citing a recent example when soldiers destroyed food and medicine destined...

Interim Govt Wants PDF Respect Military Code of Conduct in Karenni State

By Kantarawaddy Times Burma's underground government asked for resistance fighters from the People's Defence Force (PDF) to maintain discipline and abide by an internationally established...

Sickness Overtakes IDP Camps in Karenni and Shan States

By Kantarawaddy Times Civilians displaced by fighting in Karenni State (Kayah State) living in squalid, crowded camps without nutritional food and medicine are suffering from...

Twenty-five Percent Of Karenni State Displaced By Conflict

By Kantarawaddy Times Over twenty-five percent of Karenni State have been forced from their homes after fighting broke out between a civilian resistance group and...

Burma Army Uses Villagers As Human Shields in Shan State

By Kantarawaddy Times Burma Army soldiers beat villagers and then used them as human shields during fighting against a civilian resistance group in southern Shan...

Tatmadaw Indiscriminately Attack Civilians in Karenni And Shan States

By Kantarawaddy Times Tatmadaw is randomly attacking civilians and shelling their homes as fighting with a civilian resistance group enters its second week in Karenni...

Food and Fuel Costs Soar in Karenni State Amid Conflict

By Kantarawaddy Times Many are struggling to survive during food and fuel shortages caused by the conflict between civilian resistance groups and Tatmadaw in Karenni...

KNDF Warns Of Counterattack Against Tatmadaw in Karenni and Shan States

By Kantarawaddy Times A civilian resistance group released a statement vowing a full-on counterattack against the military after it laid siege to its fighters and...

KNPP Ambushes Tatmadaw in Karenni State

By Kantarawaddy Times Burma Army soldiers sustained injures when a Karenni ethnic armed organisation (EAO) ambushed them in Karenni State (aka Kayah) on Thursday, May...

Sickness Pervades in Displaced Camps in Karenni and Shan States

By Kantarawaddy Times Children staying at rudimentary internally displaced persons (IDPs) camps, quickly assembled for tens of thousands of villagers who fled violence between the...

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