Water Shortages Impact Kho Lyar So IDP Camp in Pruso Township.


By Kantarawaddy Times

The Kho Lyar So internally displaced persons (IDP) camp, located in eastern Pruso Township, Karenni State, is facing an escalating water crisis. Both local residents and displaced families are now compelled to ration their water usage as supplies dwindle, according to local reports.

“There’s still a little water left in the reservoir now, but in two months, it will be completely dry. By then, people will have to fetch water in small containers, even at night or early in the morning—and there still won’t be enough for everyone,” said a local resident.

The water reservoir, which was replenished during last year’s rainy season, has already begun to dry up in January. It is anticipated to run out entirely by February. The remaining water is currently being shared among local residents and IDPs. Water collection is permitted using containers transported by motorcycles or small tractors. However, the use of larger vehicles, such as trucks, has been restricted to conserve water resources, according to sources.

A displaced person highlighted the pressing need for water conservation:
“In the coming months, water shortages will worsen. With a motorcycle, you can fetch about three containers per trip, which is only enough for one day’s drinking water for a large family. Bathing is out of the question. Those who don’t own motorcycles fetch water whenever they get the chance, often on their way back from working in rented farmland. Walking to fetch water isn’t an option anymore, but they manage to get the water through working in the rented farmland. However, they can only get the water for four to five containers per day”

Water scarcity is a recurring issue in eastern Hpruso, where many villages lack sustainable access to water sources. During the dry season, residents and displaced families rely ponds (Yin-Ni ponds) for drinking and domestic water needs.

The Kho Lyar So IDP camp currently accommodates 188 households, with a population exceeding 800 individuals. As the water crisis deepens, the challenges for these communities are expected to intensify in the months ahead.


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